Selasa, 20 Juli 2010


We are Indonesia's modernizers

We are the first generation of the 21st Century

We are young, proud, confident and high-achievers

We are proud of Indonesia's rich and unique heritage, and believe that the promise of Indonesia lies abundantly in her future

Our motto is "service, excellence, innovation, openness, connectivity",

We believe these values will unleash Indonesia's enormous creative potentials

We are the generation that is driven by opportunity, not fear,

by positive, not negative energy;

by a forward-looking mindset, and by embracing moderation and pluralism as the key to our success.

We believe the most important change to make is the change of mindset, because a 21st century Indonesia must develop a 21st century mindset to tackle new challenges unimagined by preceding generations

We therefore seek to open up minds

We want Indonesia not just to merely reform, but transform

We take our nationality, diversity, democracy and pluralism as a given.

We are not afraid of change : indeed we thrive on change, we always seek new ideas and innovation, and believe constant self-reinvention is the key to a nation's vitality and success;

We are proud of our nationalism, but we also strongly believe in our internationalism

We believe the real threats that face us today are corruption, ignorance, indifference, conflict, marginalization, extremism, xenophobia and an inability to read the sign of the times

Within the span of one generation, we want Indonesia to have 100,000 PhDs,

100 centers of excellence throughout the country,

and 25 world-class Universities, and become a vibrant knowledge society

Within one generation, we want Indonesia to have 4 million entrepreneurs,

become one of Asia's most competitive economy

, fully capable of adapting and capitalizing on globalization,

by far exceeding the international targets of the Millenium Development Goals

with an evenly spread prosperity from Sabang to Merauke

In the medium and long-term, we want Indonesia to be the world's top 10 largest economy; a viable green economy; and achieve zero poverty

We have a thirst to be inspired, and we seek to inspire others

We want our generation to have our own achievements, our own heroes, our own legacy

Because a nation's greatness is reflected in her literature, arts, architecture and design, we seek to promote an Indonesian renaissance in the arts and creative industry

With the enduring spirit of 1945, with a passionate belief in the promise of democracy and reformasi, and with positive energy and healthy nationalism, we will join those who seek to transform Indonesia into a great nation for the 21st Century.

And the work begins here, now ..

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